Sargent Architectural Photography

Sargent Architectural Photography


“Master Bedroom” by Branca, Inc.

“I think that the bedroom should always be where one starts and not where one ends,” Alessandra Branca of Branca, Inc. in Chicago. “If you aren’t happy, if you aren’t rested, if you aren’t at peace, then it doesn’t matter what you do in the rest of your home.”

In keeping with her vision for a soothing respite, Branca based her design off the ornate details and restful shades of Portuguese design. The intricate wallpaper, part of a collaboration between Branca and de Gournay, wrapping around the room pays homage to the azulejo tiles that decorate city building’s through Portugal.

The silken linens that dress the four-poster bed (Casa Branca) were hand embroidered by survivors of the Rwandan genocide and Branca herself. “Great design is all about collecting items like these that hold so much sentiment,” and Branca. “I love that we are able to support these women and their children and showcase their talents.”

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